Friday, July 18, 2014

Volunteer Programs and Schedule:

 NRDCP Nepal has been providing five kinds of facilities and partnerships in Nepal where we can place volunteers. We have been trying to use volunteer’s strengths, education and experiences to create an optimal placement, where volunteers can exchange their knowledge and also learn about Nepali life, culture and challenges in Nepal. Your input and contribution also helps mobilize and motivate the youths of these areas to seek better opportunities through education and job opportunities. In some cases, it is possible to blend certain programs together. Volunteers are welcome to start new libraries and resource centers. We recommend you consider this only if you are participating with a friend or group and staying for a longer period of time, probably not less than 6 weeks. Volunteers can participate in any of the following programs throughout our communities in Nepal.
  • Nature: We have been organizing various programs regarding environmental sanitation, natural resources preservation, and balancing ecosystem. In the past this organization had successfully organized the programs like cleaning the Fewa Lake and it's surrounding, tree planting, cleaning the streets of the community and aware the people about the sanitation and the importance and present condition of nature. Our long term goal is to work in the cleaning program in the Everest base camp. NRDCP is planning to organize tree planting and awareness program in July 2014 (yet the date is not fixed) around pokhara to protest  the increasing deforestation in Nepal.
  • Promote The Importance of Education: Compared to other nation in the world, Nepal has still in low in growth in education. Currently there are many schools but still providing good education is a challenges in remote or rural areas. NRDCP works and support for children’s education and want to be the strength of nation to make growth and promote education year by year, a dream project that NRDCP believes education can change this nation. This year NRDCP will be organizing programs to donate books, pencil, equipments etc, and providing volunteers teaching opportunities.
  • Helpless elder citizens: Many NGOs work for orphanage children, but there are very less work and program for elderly people by government and by NGOs, as Nepal is modernizing fast in lifestyle, there were many types of imbalance life has been seen for elderly, some became homeless, some could not afford their sickness treatments, some are struggling hard for living because of economic and helpless conditions. There is not such a government scheme to solve these kind of problem as well as not any organization has seen it so seriously, as NRDCP watch every minor problem in society which could be major problem in future for country, NRDCP organizing some events with other groups in society, collecting funds to secure old people life, distributing foods in elder home groups, awareness to give respect and for elders in society. NRDCP organizing campaign for elders, distributing food in elder care home on AUG 2014.Any volunteers, participants, donator could contact us and participate to promote our campaign, your participation could give some extra life, security, and happiness to elder helpless people.  
  • Learn and developing programs: Promoting Eco-tourism and Eco-manufacture programs, empowering locals via Eco types programs, Nepal is a poor country, normal citizen’s wage are too low. NRDCP always focuses for better solution that connects future. Therefore, NRDCP opening some programs related and base on promoting eco learning developing programs, in a year that help jobless people to learn a program which benefits directly to individuals to support their living and support environment, NRDCP organize these program in rural to city areas, a skilled programs organize depend by areas by targeting value of that side area manufacture or economic vacancies. Organic farming training, eco-handicrafts training, nature touring guide course, organic food products training. On sep 2014 NRDCP will be organizing skill development program in behalf of nature. In this program, we will teach to produce handicraft eco products, any participants, volunteers can directly contacts us, and promote eco products.
  • Handicapped and Disability:Many handicapped and disabled children and people are lacking facilities, which still have a big issue for them to be proud for their society. They don’t have access to their dream goals, as some of their family or other organizations help them for livings But still many of them are just struggling for living rather than to be a active member of society, NRDCP giving first priority for them is providing them facilities like (wheelchairs) etc, which could help to run their daily life smoothly, second issues NRDCP focus on to achieve each handicap individuals to support their dreams. NRDCP is planning to organize some events to promote campaigns for the handicapped citizens. NRDCP will also support them by distributing seeds and agricultural methods (agricultural opportunities) for nutritious foods to prevent malnutrition and disabilities sickness. NRDCP will be organizing programs on Dec 2014 to donate facilities for handicapped and disabled people, volunteers teaching and caring programs for handicapped children and people. Any participant and volunteers can directly contact us. We would be grateful to receive any donation facilities or volunteers (or equipment) by you. We would be glad to hear from you.
  • Mass Awareness: NRDCP will be organizing the awareness programs once a week in coffee shop or other places to exchange opinions share and discuss on a topic that matters the real time environmental issue most. NRDCP believes these healthy discussions in groups will lead us in good solutions and help us to reach best solution of issues. In the other hand, people in need for the solutions will get help. Every week we will be discussing on different topics like global warming, sustainable development, importance of education, child abuse, human trafficking, gender discrimination, racism, deforestation and some others related to society and environment. Anyone can participate on our awareness meeting, no race, local people to foreigners, principle to student, anyone who is interested in expressing or getting knowledge and exchange their opinion, ideas, sharing are welcome. Venue and time will be posted in the official blog of the organization every week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NRDCP and it's activities

Nepal is well known for world’s one of the natural resources country. As world is growing fast, Nepal also changes  rapidly, population in city, dense pollution, natural disasters occurred more in decades, pollutions in rivers, and floods are become common problems in Nepal, poverty rates are high, unemployment  rate is high, water, electricity(loadsheding), roads, education are some basic problems still a major problem to solve for this country, from children (orphanage or  child labor) to old people (who does not have any common welfare or program for them such as fooding, sheltering, or provide medical care) are looking help, as population grows nature are cut off so fast that global warming effected Nepal as well.
Considering all these problems, NRDCP is a group that worries, thinks and intend to work for the solutions. NRDCP organized volunteer works, making fund, doing helpful programs and events time to time for nature and needed peoples reliefs, NRDCP already worked for nature, society, and for people, and have been proved its stronger desire for small changes which connect better future in every field. NRDCP always focusing on which really matters most in our nature, country, society, and in peoples life. NRDCP works in many field but this year we only focus and working in small programs, events, because we believe a small things change and connect future and people, and we need to change world together. NRDCP’s upcoming programs are;
  • Nature: Afforestation, sustainable development, preserving the environment, ecosystem,  wildlife reservation, cleaning lakes and saving nature
  • Society and people: providing teaching in school by volunteers, and doing events of donation books, clothes, promote educations in remote areas.
  • Helpless elder citizens: organizing events, and collecting donations for providing them shelter, food and medical treatment,
  •  Learn and developing programs: As Nepal is poor country, normal citizen wages are too low to survive theirs family especially in remote or rural areas, so NRDCP is making programs to teach courses, to learn and developing skills programs which help their earnings.
  • Handicapped and Disability: Nepal is a very poor country, people in the rural areas usually have difficulties in the daily life. They are out of reach of the many facilities like well education, health, transport and some other basic needs. So some of the children in the rural areas of Nepal suffer from malnutrition which cause various diseases and which also lead them to have some disabilities in the body. These kind of children in Nepal use to be helpless because of the financial problem in their family. There are not such beneficial kind of programs by the government to overcome these kind of problems. The handicapped people in Nepal doesn't get the facilities like developed countries provide to their handicapped citizens.
  • Mass Awareness: Awareness to people about solutions to various problems like global warming, sustainable development, Importance of education, child abuse, human trafficking, gender discrimination, deforestation and different natural disasters. Once a week NRDCP organize a program where people can share the opinions among different members and other participants about the topics mentioned above to enhance the knowledge among people and activity of NRDCP.

Effects of global warming in Nepal

The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius), and even more in sensitive polar regions. And the effects of rising temperatures aren’t waiting for some far-flung future. They’re happening right now. Signs are appearing all over, and some of them are surprising. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice, it’s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.

Mount Everest (also known in Nepal as Sagarmatha and in Tibet as Qomolangma) is the Earth's highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas located in Nepal. Its peak is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level and is the 5th furthest point from the center of the Earth. The international border between China and Nepal runs across the precise summit point. Its massif includes neighboring peaks Lhotse, 8,516 m (27,940 ft); Nuptse, 7,855 m (25,771 ft) and Changtse, 7,580 m (24,870 ft).

Even a very small increase in temperature could change the climate of Mount Everest. Melting ice and snow could cause glacial lakes to burst, which would lead to extensive flooding. Melting glaciers could cause rockslides and avalanches that would be a danger to the fragile ecosystem on the mountain. The melting glaciers would also change the quantity of fresh water stored and produced on the mountain. Lack of fresh water would endanger plant and animal life in the valleys below. Loss of glaciers and snow would change the appearance of Mount Everest from a snow-covered landscape to a rocky mountain peak with patches of snow.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Volunteer In Nepal

NRDC Nepal was formed in 2004 to better serve and enhance the relationship between the Nepalese people and volunteers who seek a heartfelt, profound, and life-changing experience.
We have been accepting around 60 volunteers a year for several years now, representing six of seven continents and a wide range of talents and ages. We have found the experience to be life altering and affirming for both the volunteers and the Nepalese they serve, and the volunteers remaining close to the NRDC Nepal family long after.
The village Trishuli awakened in him the never completely dormant desire to serve others. The utter poverty was in sharp contrast to the joy he found in the children, the incredible natural beauty of Trisoli, and the gratitude, hospitality and humor of the people he served. Two children in particular, Sangita and her younger brother Saroj, formed an immediate bond with a volunteer named John and at month’s end accompanied him back to Kathmandu where he placed them in a boarding school. John then returned to the States where he put his affairs in order, placed his property on the market and made a mad dash back to Nepal and his two new children. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


NRDCP is the Nepal's most effective environmental action group. This organization is the people’s welfare oriented but profitless. It was established in 2004 A.D. This organization have been launching various programs since 2004 A.D. by which the knowledge regarding the natural resources, environment, organic diversity, wet-land, forest and public property, can be even enhanced by covering the communication.
This organization has come up with some objectives as follows;
  • To assist to the tourist and researchers in the research regarding the organic diversity, nature and environment.
  • To launch programs for the poverty minimization, sustainable development and increase public awareness regarding education, health, sanitation, HIV AIDS and sexual disease.
  • To make the volunteers of inside and outside the country together with the members of this institution, actively participated in the programs regarding the environment protection and preservation, natural disaster and sustainable development.
  • To establish the imperishable fund for the scholarship of poor and brilliant student studying in the local schools.
  • To be active in the sound development of the society through the means of interaction and intellectual advocacy in between the students.